

Terms of Use

“Ghana National Chamber of Commerce”, “Your Business Links, Our Business”, and the “Ghana National Chamber of Commerce” logo are registered trademarks and/or service marks of Ghana National Chamber of Commerce. All other trademarks, service marks and logos used on the…


The Ghana National Chamber of Commerce website is created with the intention to provide useful information for the general public, Chamber members, investors, local and international partners. Hence, information provided herein is for general information purposes only. The Ghana National…

Making Profit from your Business: The Hard Side

woman in white long sleeve shirt holding white printer paper

Every organisation’s aim is to make profit or some gains. However, there are instances when cash flow becomes tight, and one is left with no option that than to focus on controlling their existing assets by reducing inventory and being stern on debtors.


Everyone is Welcome signage

The Ghana National Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GNCCI) is an association of business operators, firms, and industries with interests spanning every sector of private enterprise in Ghana. As an advocacy organisation, the GNCCI was established with the prime objective of…

Our Partners

Ministry of Trade and Industry – Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration – Ministry of Transport – Ministry of Business Development –  Ghana Investment Promotion Centre – Ghana Revenue Authority, Customs Division – Ghana Ports…

Business Opportunities

Recent amendments to Ghana’s 1985 Investment Code have opened up a wide range of new business opportunities. The 1994 Ghana Investment Promotion Act guarantees the freedom for non-Ghanaians to establish and run enterprises in potentially lucrative areas such as natural…