
The Council of the Chamber is the highest decision making body and deliberates on issues of importance to the Chamber, its members, the business sector, and the economy at large.

The National Officers are elected members who hold office for a term of two years and eligible for election for a second term of office. The National Officers include the President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, and the National Treasurer. They act on behalf of the Council Members and report back to them accordingly.

The Management Staff exemplifies the mission and vision of the Chamber to the staff, members of the Chamber, and other stakeholders. They have leadership responsibilities in ensuring that the Chamber remains relevant to its members and the business community. They also make representation at official events. The Management Staff constitute the CEO, Heads of Department, and Executive Secretaries of the Regional/District Chambers.


“To be a dynamic leading business association for the growth, sustainability and prosperity of businesses in Ghana.”


“We are a network of businesses focused on promoting and protecting the interest of businesses in Ghana towards the achievement of national development goals.”

Core Values

The values that will underpin the Chamber’s work are its “SITA Values”;

We Serve the needs and interests of all members regardless of faith, creed, size, gender, or political affiliation.

We Reach out and embrace all categories of trade, commercial and industrial interests, and shades of opinion.

We are Open about processes, weaknesses and strengths.

Responsible for one’s actions.

We Act according to laid-down procedures.

Judicious use of resources as planned, budgeted, and reported to members, donors, and stakeholders.