GNCCI-USAID’s Feed the Future GTI to Enhance Export Documentation

Accra, Ghana, June 26, 2024 – The Ghana National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GNCCI) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the USAID-supported Feed the Future Ghana Trade and Investment (GTI) Activity’s lead implementer, Nathan Associates, a Cadmus Company. This partnership aims to streamline GNCCI’s internal procedures for approving and issuing Certificates of Origin via the Integrated Customs Management System (ICUMS), thereby reducing the time and costs associated with exporting goods.

The MoU outlines a series of co-created activities designed to enhance the skills of GNCCI officials, including processing applications and issuing Certificates of Origin while focusing on the intricacies of the ICUMS platform. This initiative is expected to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the certification process and foster a deeper understanding of international trade standards among GNCCI personnel.

At the signing ceremony, Dr. Clement Osei Amoako, President of GNCCI, and Nikaj van Wees, Chief of Party for GTI, expressed their mutual commitment to the initiatives outlined in the agreement. Both leaders emphasised the importance of this collaboration in facilitating Ghanaian businesses’ access to global markets.

As Ghana continues to position itself as a competitive player in global trade, initiatives like this one contribute significantly.

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