Research and Advocacy

As a business support organisation, the Chamber conducts research to address issues of concern to its members as well as the general economy. This enables it to embark on evidence-based advocacy with the aim of improving the business environment in order for businesses to be competitive, both local and international. It engages government at the various levels as well as key stakeholders in the private sector in building consensus on issues that will drive business growth. 

The Chamber’s advocacy is premised on three pillars: issue-based; connections; and technology. Issues considered for advocacy reflect members’ concerns as well as the general economy and are thoroughly examined through a robust approach for their merits and demerits. Based on empirical research, the Chamber connects with the key stakeholders in consultative meetings to inform policy and achieve the desired results. The role of technology, for that matter ICT, is used throughout the advocacy action.

Over the years, the Chamber’s views on matters affecting businesses have been consulted by governments at the various levels, investment partners (both local and international), and international organisations. These have re-enforced our position as a reliable business association with a remarkable record of promoting and protecting private sector growth.

The Chamber has embarked on a number of advocacy actions including duty drawback, terminal handling charges and enabling business regulatory reforms. The Chamber is currently embarking on an advocacy to improve efficiency and reduce the cost of doing business at the port. It is also spearheading the establishment of a shipping line to facilitate trade within the West African sub-region.

Contact us on any issue affecting your business via this link.


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