

Regional Chairmen

Regional Chairmen Nana Agyenim Boateng Accra Chairman Mr. Michael Kabutey Caesar Tema Chairman Mr. Stephen Acheampong Kumasi Chairman Mr. Anthony Aikins Cape Coast Chairman Alhaji Iddrisu Salford Wa Chairman Alexander Bogney Bewong Tarkwa Chairman Mr. Stephen Oware Koforidua Chairman Lord…

Corruption and business growth and development: The setting – Thoughts from GNCCI

The issue of corruption often raises contentious debates, based primarily on the view by some that it is perceived rather than real. Yet the evidence that is frequently produced by Transparency International with a focus tilted toward the public sector, and the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners which emphasizes the private sector, indicate that corruption is real and has undesirable consequences both in the public and private sectors.

Research and Advocacy

As a business support organisation, the Chamber conducts research to address issues of concern to its members as well as the general economy. This enables it to embark on evidence-based advocacy with the aim of improving the business environment in…

National Officers

National Officers The National Officers are elected members who hold office for a term of two years and eligible for election for a second term of office. The National Officers include the President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, and…

Management Staff

Management Staff The management staff exemplifies the mission and vision of the Chamber to the staff, members of the Chamber, and other stakeholders. They have leadership responsibilities in ensuring that the Chamber remains relevant to its members and the business…