The Ghana National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GNCCI) in partnership with Expertise France launched the Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Digital Skills Training Programme in Accra.

The purs Programme is to train and build-capacity in digital techniques of MSMEs and improve the performance of staff. It is also to support participants to integrate and apply knowledge gained from the training. 

Mr. Clement Osei-Amoako, the President of the GNCCI speaking at the launch of the Programme expressed the Chamber’s appreciation for the cooperation agreement, signed on 25th August 2021 with the Expertise France. “GNCCI finds this collaboration more compelling because technology continued to be a dominant force in driving economic growth. Accordingly, this required we make conscious efforts to build human resources with the requisite skills to drive digital transformation and the growth of businesses” he added. The President said the first phase of the MSMEs of the training program was held in Accra comprising 92 participants with over half being women.

Mr. Osei-Amoako noted that, SMEs were the hardest hit by Covid-19 and this required providing bespoke business solutions and policy initiatives to support their rebound. The President said the Chamber remained dedicated to the growth and prosperity of business through its cutting-edge business support services.

Mr. Jérémie Pellet, the Chief Executive of the Expertise France said the programme to be implemented by his outfit would result in the development of skills and digital content among MSMEs. He said the programme launch was timely and would yield important results for Ghana’s private sector resilience as more than 800 participants were expected to be trained.

According to him, companies that participated would also be able to enroll in the digital platforms after the training, enhance their online visibility, boost their credibility and facilitate cross-border transactions. He said the Chamber was one of their partners as they implement the African Caribbean and Pacific- European Union Programme of Digital Response of Covid-19 crisis.

Mr. Tsonam Cleanse Akpeloo, a Programme Consultant, stated that the training will help participants grasp financial alternatives and potential for company development and expansion. He stated that 50 percent of the program’s intended participants will be women.

Participants, he added, will be exposed to digital transformation and advised on developing digital transformation strategies for their organizations.

He predicted that organizations would grasp, recognize, and exploit digital platforms that would allow them to confirm trustworthiness, increase visibility, and conduct transactions.

Mr. Akpeloo stated that participants will also empower and equip a group of skilled business leaders to handle digitalization concerns, resulting in a revitalized and dynamic community.

“It will help participating firms in developing a digital transformation plan,” he explained.

According to him, the training will assist MSMEs to take advantage of and participate in the African Continental Free Trade Agreement.

Workshops will benefit 100 people in each of Ghana’s eight major cities: Accra, Cape Coast, Takoradi, Ho, Koforidua, Kumasi, Sunyani, and Tamale.


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