The Ghana National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GNCCI)

on Wednesday, 21st October 2020, held its 44th Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Ghana Shippers’ Authority Conference Hall, to review the annual reports and financial statements of the Chamber for the year 2019 and elect new National Executives who will be steering the affairs of the Chamber for the next two years.


Gracing the occasion were dignitaries such as His Excellency Wamkele K. Mene, the Secretary-General of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), Dr. John Hawkins-Asiedu (Technical Advisor, Industrial Parks, Free Zones at the Ministry of Trade and Industry), representative of Hon. Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, and other prominent representatives from Development Partners, Business Associations, Government Agencies, International Organisations and the Diplomatic Corps.


In line with the constitution of the GNCCI, new National Executives were elected at the 44th Annual General Meeting. The newly elected National Executives will hold office for a term of two years. Mr. Clement Osei-Amoako was elected as President, Mrs. Victoria M.E. Hajar as 1st Vice President, Mr. Stephane Miezan as 2nd Vice President and Dr. Mrs. Emelia Assiakwa as National Treasurer. 


Nana Dr. Appiagyei Dankawoso I, the Outgone President of the Chamber, with his Executives, handed the mantle of leadership over to the new Executives after the latter had been duly sworn in by His Lordship Justice Owusu Ofori (Justice of the Superior court of Ghana).


The President, on behalf of the new National Executives, gave an acceptance speech which spelt out their vision to collaborate with government and other associations to create a conducive business environment for the private sector, facilitate access to business solutions to help grow and sustain women owned enterprises, harness the entrepreneurial skills of the youth, provide support to members to take advantage of the AfCFTA, decentralize trade fairs and trade missions, create more regional offices…etc. He called on all member firms to support the actualization of the vision, which he firmly believes will aid in the growth, sustainability and prosperity of the chamber. He ended by showing his appreciation for the overwhelming support and endorsement they received, and by reiterating their commitment to the vision and to effectively steer the affairs of the GNCCI.


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