Members are categorized according to their nature of business which include the following:
- Manufacturer
- Exporter
- Importer
- Agent
- Service
- Importer/Exporter
- Wholesaler/Retailer
- Manufacturer/Exporter
- Trader/Dealer
- Distributor
Members are also categorized along the following trade sectors:
- Agriculture & Fishing
- Books, Stationery & Printing
- Building & Civil Engineering
- Manufacturers’ Representation
- Furniture & Office Equipment
- General Goods – Import/Distribution
- General Goods – Retail/Wholesale
- Hotels, Catering, Drinks, Brewing
- Manufacture
- Export
- Motor Trade, Plant Hire, Fuel Supply
- Professional Services
- Timber Merchant
- Shipping, Travel, Transport
- Information, Communication Technology
- Oil & Gas
- Others